Controlling the controllables – Making the remote closer to home
An on demand event jointly hosted by the NAHT and Discovery Education
Please note: due to unforeseen circumstances, Promoting positive behaviour for learning with Hayley McKechnie will be rescheduled to a later date.
Following on from the successful webinar ‘If, Our and When’, NAHT and Discovery Education Pathway author and resilience coach, David Gumbrell, returns for another question-and-answer session with Andrew Hammond. Looking again at our resilience reserves, David will consider the metaphor of a tv remote control.
What can we learn from the history of this device?
How can it help to shape our future thinking?
What did inventor Mr Polley teach us about resilience and mental health?
As the poet Michael Rosen once said,
‘We can’t go over it, we can’t go under it, oh no! We’re going to have to go through it!’
WE can indeed get through this National Lockdown.
YOU can get through this National Lockdown.
We need to control the controllables and that means giving yourself the time to
press Pause, to recharge and reset yourself for what is ahead.
We might be feeling remote at this time,
but the control is closer to home than you may think.
A former primary headteacher, David Gumbrell is a contributing author on the Pathway programme from NAHT & Discovery Education. If you would like further information about the Pathway programme please visit
David Gumbrell
Former teacher and head teacher, now author, coach and lecturer
David is a former teacher and head teacher, now author, coach and lecturer. David is passionate about playing a part in using this experience to empower and to reassure the next generation of Early Career Teachers. He wants them to love our profession and to uphold the standard of our profession. He learnt that resilience is the missing link in the training that was being offered to teachers and yet explicitly talking about and considering our own mental health can make a huge difference in how we teach and what messages we implicitly send to our students.
He is well-placed to deliver the Discovery Education Pathway module as he has teaching experience to be credible; he has researched and published about resilience for nearly three years; he has a fairly unique style of connecting with his audience to engage their interest before then delivering the connection to the key piece of learning that he wants them to consider and to reflect on.