Creating a sustainable school

Introducing complex topics like sustainability in the classroom can be a challenge. Lyfta’s immersive and inspiring resources provide an accessible and impactful way for schools to do this. Read how one school in Nottingham used Lyfta resources and some innovative planning to bring sustainability to life across the whole school.

St Laurence Primary School is a one form entry school in Nottingham. Following Lyfta training, Year 2 teacher, Alex, led a plan to embed the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) across the whole school. Among the many lessons and activities that formed part of this plan was an innovative whole-school project focused on plastic pollution on our oceans. Working within covid-19 class bubble restrictions, St Laurence held an initial whole-school activity, followed by separate class activities, which then culminated in a class-to-class sharing spiral.

The initial introductory whole-school activity involved each class using the assembly plan from Lyfta’s Beachcomber storyworld. As part of the assembly, children were invited to meet Rob in Cornwall, who collects plastic waste from the beach, and uses it to create art to raise awareness of plastic pollution. They explored 360° immersive spaces including the clifftop, beach and Rob’s home and clicked on rich media content to learn more about plastic pollution and recycling and discovered Rob’s inspiring story through a short documentary film.

Individual classes then explored the themes raised, and set about designing plans for action and behavioural change. Across the school, pupils created imaginative and engaging awareness posters. Some Year 5s also thought about how they could harness the power of social media by creating powerful messages for Twitter.

Years 3 and 4 engaged in some Rob-inspired art and created posters using plastic they had found around the school.

The final activity involved a ‘learning spiral’, where each class reported ‘up’ to the next aged class about their learnings and ideas for action. As the school explained:

“Each class was asked to share their learning with the class above them as part of a learning spiral and our day then culminated with a school assembly where our Year 6s shared what the school had found out about plastic pollution with Mrs Barker (the head teacher) – they even offered some steps we could take in school to reduce the problem!”

After the day, Alex reported back that using immersive Lyfta resources to engage the whole school with the concept of sustainability had been a real success. There were even plans to implement some of the actions that the pupils had come up with:

“The assembly spiral went really well. The children were all really engaged…not only did we have some brilliant activities but some of the recommendations were excellent. I particularly liked the idea of teaching without paper and power. I think we’ll try and make that idea a reality during the next half term.”

Access to The Beachcomber is available for free when you create a Lyfta trial account (no credit card required).

Access The Beachcomber now.


Join our FREE webinar, Building empathy, understanding and sustainable thinking, on 21 January to find out more about creating a sustainable school.

This free session will be delivered by our partner Lyfta as a way to bring diversity into the classroom to support the school ethos around the importance of global learning and empathy.

Lyfta is an award-winning digital learning platform to broaden horizons and bring learning to life.