
All children in school have the right to receive the necessary care and to be safeguarded at all times. As schools you play an ever-increasing, essential role in protecting children from abuse.  Staying up to date with the latest safeguarding regulations and guidance is an important part of strong school leadership and tellingly, the latest Ofsted guidelines emphasise that safeguarding is at the very heart of any inspection.

Safeguarding is such a pivotal part of school life; therefore, it is important to generate time to reflect on your safeguarding systems and procedures and to talk to colleagues and share ideas on working practices.

As the country begins the recovery process from the pandemic, schools are centrally placed to focus on mental health and well-being, of both the pupils and the staff.  As the DSL team you can play a role, alongside your mental health lead, in the development and co-ordination of high-quality well-being support. Working with other delegates and discussing ideas is a great way to enhance your own provision.

The NAHT Leading School Safeguarding course not only focuses on the leadership aspects of safeguarding within school but also gives you a great opportunity to network and discuss with colleagues how best to upskill school staff in safeguarding and how to enhance your support strategies.

The course brings the designated safeguarding team staff and safeguarding governors completely up to date with current safeguarding legislation. You will learn about the key updates within KCSIE September 2021 and the implications for safeguarding within the inspection framework including specific advice on implementing the behaviour criteria and supporting the well-being agenda.

Following the recent Ofsted review, the course will support delegates to consider the greater focus within the inspection framework and KCSIE on peer-on-peer abuse, sexual harassment and sexual violence.

You will be given time to focus on exploring how staff perceive safeguarding leadership and discussing together how safeguarding values are interpreted within schools.

An additional element of this course is the inclusion of a safer recruitment section, to ensure that the DSL team are upskilled in all the new elements of safer recruitment which have been introduced into KCSIE.  This includes new advice on the advertisement stage, short-listing, interview and appointment and is essential information for school leadership prior to the next round of staff recruitment.

Click here to book your place on our ‘Leading School Safeguarding – DSL team training’ course