Seasonal Illness

As we come towards the winter term, seasonal illnesses will start to take their toll on staff attendance and prove a challenging time for schools looking for protection. With developing immune systems, pupils are more susceptible to winter illness, and more likely to spread this to staff. Research shows teachers are more likely to be absent from work due to sickness than other professions and with so much exposure to seasonal illness. Therefore, there’s no better time to protect staff members to continue their valuable work.


Nurse support service

An NAHT Wellness and Protect membership includes access to a dedicated nurse support line  for staff members to seek advice on a range of different situations, including mental health, COVID-19 and even support for those going through treatment for cancer or strokes. This service is run by a team of registered nurses who possess a wealth of knowledge and understanding of the physical, mental and emotional needs of individuals.


Stay active

Making time for regular exercise keeps the immune system in shape and is also a good way to keep stress in check. Even though the weather may be worse and the nights are darker, try to maintain a routine that includes activities to keep moving. This may be home workout videos or even mindfulness activities such as yoga.


Practice good hygiene

Washing hands with soap more often, especially after interacting with students and handling shared materials, can really make all the difference. It can be useful to carry a hand sanitiser with you with at least 60% alcohol content for times when soap and water are not available. Try to encourage students to adopt good hygiene, such as coughing and sneezing into tissues or into an elbow to prevent any illness spreading. By creating a classroom culture that values health and hygiene, everyone can stay well.


Know your symptoms

If you do become ill, it’s important to recognise the symptoms so that you can spot early signs in yourself and others. This will help you to act quickly and prevent the spread.

NAHT Wellness and Protect’s 24/7 GP line is a great way to bypass the struggle to get a doctor’s appointment. You can arrange telephone or video consultations with qualified GP’s who can organise private prescriptions at your local pharmacy meaning looking after your health has never been easier.


Flu jabs

As the population began mixing as normal after the pandemic, absences due to winter illness soared and with a nation of weakened immune systems, the rate of absences due to flu were double that of winter 2019. As part of our commitment to preventing absenteeism, NAHT Wellness and Protect offers those who are not eligible for a free vaccination through the NHS, and who are named on the membership, access to free flu vaccines, all at no additional cost to the staff member.

There is no doubt that the colder months are a challenging time for staff absences and winter illnesses, but knowing how to take care of yourself and utilising support services that NAHT Wellness and Protect offer can make all the difference to keep you well this winter.


Find out more about NAHT Wellness and Protect

NAHT Wellness and Protect is staff absence protection with complimentary whole school well-being and leadership support and is exclusive to NAHT members.

NAHT Wellness and Protect is powered by Education Mutual, the UK’s largest member owned provider of staff absence protection for schools and trusts. As one of the most extensive staff absence protection packages currently on the market, NAHT Wellness and Protect includes an extensive health and wellbeing package, pupil wellbeing, flu vaccines and many more, all at no additional cost to member schools.

The board of directors are leaders in education, and they know the struggles schools face when it comes to budgets, so Wellness and Protect does everything you need it to, without the high price tag.

Click here to get a quote today