Introducing Strictly Education’s new single system that manages your HR, payroll and pensions together – EduPeople

The changing face of MAT data: Combining HR, payroll and pensions into a single system

As MATs grow, in both success and employees, existing HR and payroll systems are under ever increasing scrutiny – are they still up for the job?

Increasing numbers of employees means increasing data and data demands. Having a real-time platform that updates and translates employee information immediately has never been more important.

Systems must be both quick and accurate to support the role of a MAT. Systems with a single data entry point, which translates across all other systems, are helping growing MATs save time and money without the worry of data being out of date, duplicated or inaccurate.

Academy HR, payroll and pensions

There have been significant changes in the education sector in recent years regarding academy conversion and nowadays it is preferred, if not expected, that the academy joins as part of a MAT.

HR, payroll and pensions are vital to any school or academy trust in order to sustain success, and require all employee HR, payroll and pensions data to be controlled within a single system. Time is saved when finding the data, as a clear overview of each employee is produced, removing the need to switch between separate systems.

Save time and money

Are duplicate records wasting your staff’s valuable time?

Having a live, real time platform so as soon as a record is updated on any system, it is updated everywhere, produces consistent data that is easy to maintain with no duplication.

Removing the administrative burden of duplicate records saves time and improves accuracy. Furthermore, with employee self-service, the workload is shared as staff can update their own details, giving managers an overview of their team’s data.

Are staff absences and low retention rates costing you money?

Having an easily accessible absence management tool for you to closely monitor all your employee absences in a single system will enable you to have a clear overview of all staff absences and helps you identify where the issues lie. You can monitor and take action to prevent them, reducing the level of staff absence and the need for expensive supply teachers.


Strictly Education has invested in a new best-in-the-market HR and payroll system that provides an overview of all and every employee’s data. One employee record centralises your HR, payroll and pensions data providing quick, accurate and up to date information – saving you time and money.

Why decide to switch to EduPeople?

  1. Real-time system – as soon as you update it, we can see it – removing the need to work from a spreadsheet anymore. Information can be inputted at any time. New starters now appear at the time of input (compared 2-3 weeks with our existing process).
  2. Single source of truth – Have an overview of the trust at MAT level rather than single school level. HR records will automatically be updated with payroll and pensions records.
  3. Innovative product to support growth – Start replacing your outdated inhouse systems. Keep track of the growing number of employees.
  4. Increased functionality and flexibility – Have more power and fields to input data. Data is available to employees and managers at their fingertips. View data from previous years.

For more information watch the video below.